Monday, May 08, 2006

Borg Swimming Pool

This one is dated December 16, 2004:

Most of the dream took place on Deep Space Nine. But the only actual Star Trek character I saw was 7 of 9. She had apparantly been stationed on DS9 after Voyager got back home. Hmm, 7 of 9 on DS9. I hadn't thought about that before. Anyway, she was apparantly serving as some sort of ambassador to the Borg Collective.

Speaking of which, there was a large Borg structure attached to the outside of DS9. Large enough that it was probably 60% of the volume of the station -- and it didn't have all the open space that DS9 has. In shape, it was sort of like a huge rectangular box with rounded surfaces and edges.

The Borg structure was connected to DS9 by a single docking port. If you went through the airlocks, you could get into a single room in the Borg Structure. The rest of it was completely locked up and inaccessible. No communication, resistance to scanners, etc. It was known that there were drones inside, but no one knew what they were doing.

In the room that you could get to, there was a swimming pool. That's right, a swimming pool. But it was a Borg swimming pool. The water had nanoprobes in it, and when you swam in it, it had rejuvinating health effects. It was a service the Collective was providing in order to improve public relations with the Federation, or something like that. There was an old man who swam in it a lot. I recognized him, but I don't remember if he was from Star Trek or someone I know in real life.

Along with Seven of Nine, there were two Borg Drones on the station. They had all the implants and everything, but they were not, and apparantly never had been, connected to the Collective. One of them was male and the other was female. The female had a number designation and the male had a name, but I don't remember either.

We heard some important news: A cube was coming from the Delta Quadrant. When it arrived, the structure was going to open up communication with them. Seven of Nine was going to play some kind of part in this, but I don't know what. Anyway, there was a scene where she and the other drones were standing in front of the airlock and talking about what it would be like when they could hear the voices of all the drones in their heads. The male drone looked completely normal, but the female drone had hair -- and she had curlers in her hair. She talked about how wonderful it would be to get in touch with the "serenity of the collective".

The other scene I remember happened on a planet -- probably Bajor, since it was close to DS9. I was in a house with some people. There was a knock at the door. Someone answered it, and it was my roommate Jeremy. He came in and sat down. A couple of minutes later, there was another knock at the door. Someone answered it, and it was Jeremy again. I looked back, and he was still sitting down in the house. Two copies of him. They were wearing identical outfits, except the colors were different. We all were wondering what was going on, but when the second Jeremy saw the first one in the house, he panicked and ran outside. I ran after him, and then I woke up.


Qalmlea said...

What happened to the deal where people could be partially assimilated without losing their individuality? I distinctly remember you mentioning that.

Anonymous said...

Huh very interesting. Liked the whole thing actually. I say..the Jeremy part was a new way to go huh? Maybe??Twins???

Speaking of Jeremy, Pooh is having problems with connecting with him so
as to get things picked up or whatever needs to happen. How long did you say he is going to remain in the apartment??
Time for school to be done. Drop me some answers on this if'n you have some.

Fibonacci said...

I'll call Jeremy tomorrow and see what's going on with him. And qalmlea, that was a *different* Voyager dream. :)

Qalmlea said...

Ah, I see... You obviously have some sort of Borg fixation. ;^) I wonder what it represents in your subconscious.