The Evil Overlord was dressed in traditional costume, including a helmet and black armor with a black cape. He stood in a large room in his fortress. The room was so large and so poorly lit, it was not possible to see its full extent. Several feet behind him was a dividing wall, and on the other side of the wall were steps leading up. Rows of soldiers stood on the steps.
Suddenly the princess, who was supposed to be in a holding cell, appeared next to the Overlord, pointing a large knife at his head. He was shocked that she had escaped, and more shocked that she had gotten past all the guards without anyone noticing. He glared at the knife and asked, "Is this a treacherous discarp, Princess?"
She vanished as quickly as she had appeared, but he turned to his left and saw that she was now standing on his side of the wall, within reach of the nearest minions who had still not noticed her. She was now wearing a dark cloak that she didn't have before, and holding the knife in front of her. She replied to his question. "No, it is a vicus discarp."
The Overlord noticed that the knife blade was too thick, and not even sharp, and realized that it was a control device of some sort, with buttons on the hilt.
This was from sometime during Christmas break, but I couldn't post it until I remembered both of the neologisms. I didn't think I was going to remember the second one.
"Discarp" means something like "plan of action" and "vicus" means something like "unexpected" or "sneaky".
Abrupt ending...;-)
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