This dream alternated between scenes I was actually in and flashback scenes giving background information. The flashbacks revealed that a direct male descendent of Annikan Skywalker was also the Dragon Reborn (Darth Vader Kinslayer being the original Dragon). Furthermore, Jedi knights would bond with telepathic dragons and have arial lightsaber duels while riding them. Thus, we have a cross between Star Wars, Wheel of Time, and Eragon.
I was a droid. I don't know what kind exactly because I never saw myself, but I felt normal and I could speak English. I don't remember what my mission was, but it involved sneaking into Skywalker's bedroom. The first thing I did was take a part out of his lightsaber, but then he woke up. The part I took out was a spherical crystal. Such a crystal had to be inserted into the handle, and determined the color of the beam. He had a bag of three backup crystals (red, green and blue). We both reached for it at the same time and they fell out and rolled across the floor. I knew if he managed to get the lightsaber working I had no chance.
Just then R2-D2 woke up and rolled over to where we were. I immediately ran over and knocked him onto his back. I had an attachment on one hand that was a cutting torch, and I used it to disable the astromech's motor functions. Then I threatened to actually kill the droid if Skywalker didn't stay where he was and listen to me. Surprisingly, the threat worked, but then I woke up.